Yellow-spotted Tilefish, Hoplolatilus luteus
Yellow-spotted Tilefish, Hoplolatilus luteus
Rarely seen in the trade and having a slender elongated body with a blunt head. Often a silvery body with a violet-black patch on te upper head and a black spot operculum and tail. Body colors somewhat depend upon areas of collection.
Best maintained fish-only aquariums with subdued lighting, yet can also be maintained in reef aquariums, with both having low rocky crevices and caves to hide in when needing to do so. The aquarium should also have wide-open swimming areas and sandy areas to create burrows. A fast swimming fish that tends to dig under reef structures, live or inert.
If maintained with moderately aggressive tankmates, will remain in hiding during daylight hours and may not get its fair share of the food when its feeding time. If maintained with peaceful tankmates, will spend a good portion of its time in the aquarium open areas.
As to diet, products such as marine fish and crustacean flesh, clams, and other marine meaty foods should be enriched and finely chopped and fed several times daily.