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The Reef Experience

Firefish Nemateleotris Magnifica

Firefish Nemateleotris Magnifica

Regular price £25.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £25.00 GBP
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The Firefish is one of the more popular fish in the marine hobby. It is a magnificent fish with brilliant coloration, a unique body shape, and unparalleled personality. Also known as the Firefish Goby, Fire Goby, and Magnificent or Fire Dartfish, Nemateleotris magnifica has a yellow head, white anterior, and pinkish to orange-red posterior. The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are highlighted in black. In addition to its striking coloration, the Firefish Goby is also heralded as a sweet-tempered fish with lots of personality. And, because of its small size, the Firefish Goby makes a great addition to the smaller reef system.

To best recreate their wild habitat, the Firefish Goby requires a 20-gallon or larger system with moderate lighting conditions and a moderate current passing over the live rock "reef." Keep in mind that a stressed Firefish Goby will try to jump out of your aquarium. As such, house the Firefish Goby in aquarium systems with a lid.

Along with algae and zooplankton growing in the aquarium, the diet of the Firefish Goby should consist of vitamin-enriched brine fish (live or frozen), mysis shrimp, and prepared marine foods.


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